Providing health and wellness care to residents and visitors of Madeline Island.


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 We provide care to our year-round residents, part time residents and visitors of Madeline Island

We see patients of all ages for general medical diagnosis, treatment and management of all organ systems, and treatment of minor emergencies.

We are proudly now offering Physical Therapy!

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The La Pointe Community Clinic is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. We, in part, rely on the generosity of our community to ensure we can deliver the essential services that we provide on Madeline Island!

February 2024

The La Pointe Community Clinic wants your input!

From the La Pointe Community Clinic Board

 We are all growing older, but for some of us, aging can pose serious health and mobility challenges. The senior population of Madeline Island is no exception. In keeping with the La Pointe Community Clinic’s mission to meet the health and wellness care needs of residents and visitors of Madeline Island, the Clinic staff and board are looking at ways to address the needs of Island seniors. One solution we are considering is to employ the services of a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). But before we move forward, we would like to hear from you.  We want to know what you think of the idea. In particular:  Do you think you would take advantage of the services of a CNA?; Do you think you might be a good candidate for the job? Please send us your views.

Here is a little background to help you formulate your response.

 What a CNA does: The job of a CNA is to assist people who are not able to fully care for themselves by helping them meet their day-to-day needs and providing necessary emotional support. From ensuring that seniors get their meds and meals, to checking vital signs, to assisting seniors in getting out and about, visits from a CNA make certain that seniors are well-cared for, safe, and not left alone. Care may range from pop-in visits for just a few days or weeks while a patient recuperates, to longer term, lengthier visits to meet a senior’s basic necessities. But in all cases, a CNA plays an important role in sustaining a senior’s quality of life.

 How to become a CNA: To get certified in Wisconsin, you must be 18 years old or older, have a high school diploma or GED, complete a state-approved CNA training program of at least 120 hours, pass a Wisconsin CNA competency evaluation, and undergo a criminal background check and health screening. A wide variety of CNA training programs of different lengths and intensity are available online or in person, including at Northwood Technical College in Ashland.  A good CNA has excellent communication skills, is observant and pays attention to detail, has a strong work ethic, enjoys interacting with seniors, and is empathetic, patient, compassionate, and adaptable. If that’s you, please let us know. For the right person for the job, the Clinic has agreed to underwrite the cost of CNA training and certification.

 So please let us know what you think. We would like to hear your views on:

1.     Would bringing a CNA on staff at the Clinic be a valuable use of the Clinic’s resources?

2.     If the Clinic had a CNA on staff, would you consider using the CNA’s services?  As soon as possible? At some point in the future when the need arises?

3.     Are you already a CNA? If so, would you consider joining forces with the Clinic?

4.     If you are not a CNA, does becoming one interest you? Are you intrigued by the idea of becoming certified and working with the Clinic? Would you like to learn more?

 Please send your responses (and questions) to either Jay Erstling, the Interim President of the Clinic Board ( or Dr. Laura Pittman, a Board member (  Your responses will remain confidential.

 Thank you so much. We look forward to hearing from you.  






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Feel free to contact us with any questions.


Fax: 715-747-2278

(715) 747-2722